Asset Sourcing

For a meaningful discovery of assets, assets can be crowdsourced, tagged to relevant frameworks, and contributed using an asset sourcing web app.

Some of the features that ED leverages from Asset sourcing are, allowing users to

  1. Create asset taxonomy for content

  2. Identify framework categories

  3. Associate assets with multiple types such as audience type, topic, etc.

  4. Create framework - Organization and target framework

  5. Meaningfully review, publish the asset

  6. Create customised collections such as Textbook, Courses, etc.

  7. Associate assets with collections

  8. Create and publish a sourcing project with a defined scope of assets to be sourced and a schedule

  9. Review the nominations to a sourcing project from contributors

  10. Review the asset contributions to a sourcing project from the approved set of contributors

  11. Curate and publish the assets for consumption

  12. Enroll as a contributor

  13. Nominate to one or more sourcing projects

  14. Contribute assets to the approved sourcing projects

  15. Get the consumption details of the assets that got published for consumption

  16. Check various reports such as Collection level gap report, Folder level gap report, Visitor's report, etc.

The above capabilities of Asset Sourcing are derived from components of Sunbird CoKreat. You can find details by clicking on the link here

Last updated

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